Even for a physically able person, the world presents hazards. It may be a wet floor, an exposed tree root, or a hidden step. No matter the condition that leads to your injury, your premises liability claim, often referred to in a dismissive fashion as a “slip and fall” case, will often lead to a blame game where the injury may be alleged to be due to your “carelessness.”
However, property owners are required by law to maintain their property and keep it safe. This is especially true if the area is open to the public for shopping, entertainment, or business, and visitors are invited and encouraged to enjoy the premises.
Landlords are also required to keep their premises safe, and specific statutes have been enacted to keep dwelling unit exteriors safe for their residents.
According to the National Safety Council, falls are most common in doorways, ramps, areas with uneven surfaces, and places prone to spills or moisture. Slipping and falling is also not an incident to be merely dismissed: Falls are the second most common cause of unintentional death. There were 25,000 fall-related fatalities in 2009 and these numbers are expected to increase as the population ages (see National Safety Council fact sheet).
The duties of landowners and the injuries that result when they are neglected require experienced legal attention. You should not proceed with a property injury claim alone or simply dismiss it as your fault.
Insurance Companies Fight Fall Claims
While property condition is the responsibility of the owner, premises liability claims that involve a fall are often met with a tough defense. Insurance carriers for business and property owners will evaluate each claim very thoroughly and will deny claims whenever they can. They may try to persuade you to admit facts that are not true or have your side of the story distorted by insurance adjusters who already assumed your fault before investigating your case.
For these claims, you require substantive legal representation. Attorney Bruce A. Blaylock offers a tireless commitment to representing injured plaintiffs in slip and fall cases along with a reputation for thoroughly preparing each case.
Did you suffer an injury due to a tripping hazard or other unsafe condition? Insurance companies for the property owner are acting in their own interest, not yours. Hiring experienced legal counsel will help support your interests. Contact attorney Bruce A. Blaylock today at 301-951-1800 to discuss the circumstances leading to your injury and how to proceed. Your initial consultation is always free.